Darien Lim

A Tale About A Little Boy ...

Lilypie Baby Ticker

Friday, November 25, 2005

naughty naughty

While I was in the kitchen last night, I peeped out through the door to look at the kids. To my shock, Darien was on top of the sofa-bed. Gosh .. being panicky (afraid that he would fall down), I quickly rushed over to him and scolded him .... "Boy you'd better get down now. If not Mommy is going to punish you". Then he gave me a cheeky smile and quickly got down from the sofa. I told him .. "That's a clever boy". And within minutes, he tried to do that again. And it goes on and on and on.

And again this morning while I was brushing my teeth, Boy walked in. Knowing that he'll lift open the toilet seat-cover, I put my leg on top of it. And guess what he did. He lifted my leg off the toilet bowl and lifted up the seat-cover (toilet is clean). Really a cheeky cheeky Boy.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

"ter" "ter"

Nowadays, Lil Darien is learning how to talk .. making out something that sound like a 'word'. The other day, I was feeding him milk. After finishing it. He said "Ater". And I thought I was hearing things and I hold up the bottle to him again and ask. "What is this Boyboy?" He said again "Ater". I tried another time. And he said it again. Clever Boy! I was so excited. I shouted for Daddy to come into the room but as soon as Daddy came in, I asked him .. he doesn't want to say it anymore. He must be thinking .. "Silly Mommy .. ask me so many times for what. I've been telling her so many times its water". Hahahha.

He had been calling me 'Mama' since he was 6 months old. Whenever he cries and called for me .. my heart really goes all out for him. The funny thing ... he still doesn't know how to call Daddy yet. :)